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Jan 14, 2013  ·  2 min read

By Benjamen Judd

The QT team are far from shy. In fact, we like to think we live by the words of Mae West – “the best way to behave, is to misbehave.” So with that in mind, proceed to read at your own peril…

Italian design and creative group, Kokoro, have released a range of adult-themed toys that are, shall we say, beyond cute. These bad boys look like they’ve stepped out of a Pokemon game and mated with some anime animals.

The Buxxxer Vibratoys come in three options – The Woody, which is described as the most striking and efficient among the Buxxxers, has been designed to mould the shapes of the body always assuring profound sensations of pleasure; the Geena, which is more of an intimate massager and is ‘the most amusing and smiling of the Buxxxer Collection line…a delightful idea for a present, to be used alone or in a couple’; and Clitt, which is pretty much exactly what you think it is – a double-action vibrator that’s also the most ‘involving and versatile of the line’ with the two extremities vibrate simultaneously. Yeah.

Whatever you may think of the descriptions, these are hilarious and utterly innocuous pieces are a perfect choice for that cheeky birthday present. Or, if you can get past the smiling cartoon faces, they may actually be something you intend on putting to good, ahem, use!

For more information on the Kokoro Buxxxer Collection, head to the Kokoro website.

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