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Aug 21, 2012  ·  2 min read

By Carrie Miller

2020 has returned to Damien Minton Gallery after a successful run last year. This exhibition, which is hosted by the gallery in its annex space, is based on a unique curatorial model: a series of ten, single night exhibitions running side by side. The show also reflects the trend towards hybridised models of exhibition practice; 2020 is part artist-run initiative and part private enterprise. The result is ten, two-hour evenings that offer audiences only the best bits of the contemporary art experience: the intensity of experimental art practice fused with the anticipation and excitement of a commercial gallery opening night.

The show’s curated by the Jon Frum Art Foundation and Robert Lake and includes a mix of emerging and more established local artists. The Foundation aims to create opportunities for Australian artists to become connected to the global art world. One way this is happening is through the video streaming of 2020 events which can be viewed live on the web each night. But with artists like Wayde Marynowsky, Sadie Chandler, Sarah Goffman on the program, and a performance event involving pairs of artists that’s slated as ‘the epic battle of art versus science’, your best bet is to experience this show in the flesh.

Until August 24

Damien Minton Annex Space, Redfern

2020 Art Gallery

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