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Guru Dudu Silent Disco Tours

Feb 14, 2017  ·  2 min read

words by ben stephens

When it comes to understanding a new city or even a city that you’ve lived in for the last four years, there are very few tours that will leave you with a real sense of how the city works and where all the good shit is.

There are a lot of tour operators out here that haven’t changed up their touring structure since Nikki Webster was flying through the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

You know the ones where you’re stuck on a stuffy bus with people that don’t want to talk to you, as much as you don’t want to talk to them. The whole tour is led by a voice that you’re not sure isn’t pre-recorded and fills you with information that Wikipedia already knew – there’s no break through moment where you go ‘wow’.

Thankfully, here in Melbourne there are people like Guru Dudu, ready to take you on a walking tour, unlike anything you have ever done before. (Unless you have done a silent disco walking tour in Melbourne, then it will be very similar to that).

#toomuchfun, #southbank, #melbartscentre #gurududu

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Guru Dudu and his team take city and St Kilda tours in a bid to show off the city of Melbourne in a new way. Once you start, Dudu will make sure you are fitted with a pair of headphones and a smile on your face. Both of which are important to carry with you at all times. Then the walking tour begins and the music flows. From the classic disco tunes to a little new age bounce, you’ll be grooving through your new favourite city – it’s like that town from Footloose, but the exact opposite.

Guru Dudu is sure to not let you miss a bit of the action and narrates your entire tour as you make your down the main streets of Melbourne town while making plenty of time to dance.

Tours sell out and you would be silly not to book in advance, do that HERE.

“My cheeks ached from smiling so much.” – Every second person on the tours

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