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Converse x Neighborhood

Apr 11, 2017  ·  3 min read

words by ben stephens

Every now and then, a partnership occurs. One that just makes sense, that would only happen with the right mix of time, patience and skill. Like when cookies and cream become one and took over the ice creamery market. A partnership that will no doubt transcend generations.

So when fashion brands reach out to one another in order to create something unique and just straight out beautiful, there’s something to get excited about. Like really excited about.

This week see’s the release of the newest collaboration between the Japanese streetwear gods brand, Neighborhood, and the makers of the most popular shoe, Converse to create a something that you’ve been missing.

Check this thing out:

NEIGHBORHOODとU.S CONVERSEとのジョイントワークによる"ONE STAR”と"CTAS70’s”がリリースされます。 ネイバーフッドが持つカウンターカルチャーや、モーターサイクルのコンセプトをクラシックなコンバースのデザインに反映させた、ファンならずとも必ず手に入れたいプロダクトに仕上がっています。 今回はU.S CONVERSEとのコラボレーションということで、日本国内での販売は行わず、海外のみの販売。ローンチは4月6日(木)になります。 NEIGHBORHOOD and CONVERSE U.S.A. will release collaboration work of One Star and CTAS 70’s. Both silhouettes feature elements from counterculture and motorcycle culture that are trademarks of Neighborhood’s aesthetic, so they are definitely must kicks extending the need for the fans and beyond. These models will be releasing on April 6 (Thursday) internationally, except Japan. #converse #neighborhood #nbhd

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Take my money. Take it all. Give me.

Those extra pieces towards to toe are for when your riding your motorbike and are made out of a mixture of rubber and leather, sure to not destroy your kicks with all those gear changes that you do. Even if you’re not a biker, it’s hard to not admire this piece of footwear and fall in love with the design.

Neighborhood are known for motorcycles, fine design and the best denim while being wrapped up in a counter-culture habitat. This has created a brand that is synonymous with Japanese style and one of the edgiest brands to come from the country.

Then, on the other hand, you have Converse and the iconic chuck that has been cool since it’s first inception in 1921. A shoe that celebrates the rubber sole that many left behind, still holds its place in pop culture today.

Not only did they do a rendition of the Chuck, they also threw their hand at doing a one off One Star Converse.

All this is available exclusively from the good people at Supply Store.

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