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Enlighten – Canberra Festival of Lights

Feb 18, 2015  ·  2 min read

By Benjamen Judd

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As summer comes to a close and cooler nights set in, the last festival of the season is about to begin. Enlighten, a festival of lights, art, food and entertainment, will take over Canberra for ten nights starting February 27 and wrapping up March 7.

From 6.30pm, Enlighten will turn the Parliamentary Triangle into a fantasyland of light projections and installations. Dazzling displays of light will turn the walls of the National Gallery of Australia, National Library of Australia, National Portrait Gallery, Old Parliament House, Australian Parliament House and Questacon in to an electric gallery of the grandest proportions.

Many of our city’s iconic attractions will also host after-hours events including rare cinema viewings and access to exhibitions. Most of these are free, but some events, such as the James Turrell Retrospective at the National Gallery of Australia, will be ticketed.

Accompanying the event will be the Night Noodle Markets, providing delicious Asian street food to hungry wanderers.

A truly beautiful way to end the summer and herald in the beginning of autumn, Enlighten shows a side of Canberra even the most familiar local will be astounded by.

Enlighten will take place throughout Canberra for ten nights, starting on February 27 until March 7.

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