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4 Canberra Markets In One Weekend

Oct 23, 2017  ·  2 min read

What springs to mind when you hear “Canberra markets in November”? If you named one, you’re doing well. If you named two, you’re on the ball when it comes to local knowledge. Chances are you weren’t able to rattle off all of the four Canberra markets that are going down on the first weekend of November. That’s right – two days, four markets.


The Makers and Shakers Market

Get ready to rummage indeed. The Makers and Shakers is an indoor market made up of 50 stalls dedicated to locally-made food, homewares and lifestyle products. Keep an eye out for the succulent planters and kokedamas of Tiny Paradise, the South American pies from La Empanada and the custom gourmet blends of Tea Garden Co.

The Makers and Shakers Market take place November 4 from 10am – 3pm at Albert Hall.

Canberra Fashion Market

If you’re sniffing out new, recycled or vintage clothing, the Canberra Fashion Market worth a sticky beak. Besides fresh threads, there’s also a range of collectibles, books, DVDs and vinyl.

Canberra Fashion Market Parklands will take place November 4 from 10am – 3pm at Fitzroy Pavilion, Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC).

Farm Gate Markets

Set in an actual paddock, Farm Gate Markets is a true salt-the-earth type affair. The go-to spot for locally-made food, wine and spirits. Last market day was a roaring success, but was lacking a little in the coffee (god forbid) and hot food department – something they’ve promised to rectify for the next.

Farm Gate Markets will take place November 5 from 12pm – 7pm at Pialligo Estate.

Three Sixty Fashion Market

A market devoted to recycling vintage, retro, handmade and pre-loved clothing. Three Sixty promotes sustainable fashion for those who value ethical choices and like lookin’ good. Keep an eye out for Neon Point Shoppe – purveyors of unboring Vintage – 80s, 90s, Y2K street wear.

Three Sixty Fashion Market Fair Day will take place November 5 from 10am – 4pm at Fitters Workshop at Kingston Foreshore.

words by niall roeder.

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