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5 minutes with Jeremy Magan, Capitol Bar and Grill Restaurant Manager

Oct 30, 2014  ·  2 min read

Sara Jaber spends 5 minutes with the fiercely fabulous Jeremy Magan who runs our hatted restaurant Capitol Bar and Grill at QT Canberra.

What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
Kid Cudi, unf#$%wittable. This is my everyday mode.

Favourite quote?
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves” Albert Einstein.

Musician/Band you’re digging right now:
Disiz – A French rapper. Loving his trilogy of albums: Lucide, Extra Lucide, Transe Lucide

Clothing brand you’re digging right now:
Ted Baker – My twice a week uniform

An Artist you love and want the world to know about:
Banksy – LOVE his art!

Your favourite thing about this city?
My Favourite thing about this city must be my restaurant!

What’s the best way to chill out and wind down after a big day?
Enjoy some good wine with my GF on the balcony

If you could recommend just one thing you MUST do in this city, what is it?
Questacon and The War Memorial, but on the same day!

Coolest thing to do in this city that only locals know about?
Sunday BBQ by the Lake at the Acton Beach

Pick a movie that best describes this city and why?
The Game starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn – With all the politicians and superficial stuff happening here it reminds me of it.

Next holiday destination and why?
My niece will be turning 6 months in a few months and I will be going home to visit just in time for that! France is home.

What do you think should be on everyone’s bucket list?
Walking on the streets of New York City at night, especially lower east side.

Thanks Jeremy!

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