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Easter Eggs in the Capital

Apr 5, 2017  ·  3 min read

words by ben stephens

Much like Christmas, Easter is a time for giving and having and sharing and importantly receiving. Celebrating the long weekend with the annual Easter Egg hunt, or just enjoying that chilled Sunday morning, surrounded by the incredible humans that make up your life, it’s a brilliant time of year.

Made ever so better by the miracle that is chocolate.

Let’s be thankful for the cocoa creation. Actually, to really bring that home, imagine a world where chocolate doesn’t exist. What would brownies taste like? Muffins would be savoury. Easter would be a dull family gathering.

Anywho, if you’re looking for some damn good chocolate in the windy capital, I may be able to let you in on a couple of places around time to procure the goods.

Bohemein Chocolates is headed up by Czech-born chocolate lover, Jiri Havlik, or George to his mates. In 2005, George opened up Bohemein Chocolates, focusing on the bringing the European cocoa traditions, while mixing them the fresh ingredients of Aotearoa. I could go on here about how they craft their chocolate and throw in some mouth-watering adjectives, but I’m not going to. I just want you to look at this.

Wellington Chocolate Factory is the other place in town that we highly recommend harvesting your eggs from this Easter. The chocolate Willy Wonka styled boffins here are always up to something. Crafting new flavours and what not. We wrote a little love note about them recently. You can read that one HERE.

They don’t stop there… Check the video below; what are they doing here, what’s inside the egg? What are the flakes? WHEN DO WE GET TO CRACK THESE OPEN!?

From all of us here at QT Life, we would like to wish you and your family a safe and happy Easter!

Also, just one last note of chocolate consumption: Science says states that the molecular structure of chocolate can cause a rush of serotonin, a mood-lifter produced by the brain. This fact makes Easter the happiest time of the year. Though be sure to not overdose on the cocoa treat as the sugar levels will cause you to crash. It’s such a fine line, huh?

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