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High Steaks

Oct 31, 2017  ·  2 min read

Indulge in the ultimate private dining experience with your unique key to the QT Lounge. Perched high on the top level of QT Canberra, you can enjoy an unparalleled dining experience overlooking the city.

Find a discreet alcove where you can enjoy the service of stealthy wait staff, serving you the best of an exclusive menu selection.

If you seek the crème de la crème of dining in Canberra, there is no question that the Sirloin Pepper Steak is the perfect match for your desires.

When it comes to Steaks, our chefs have mastered the art of cooking the prestigious Cape Grim selection. So much so, that Capitol Bar and Grill recently took out the award for Best Steak at the 2017 ACT AHA Hospitality Awards.

Cut from the back of the animal, the Sirloin Pepper Steak is perfection. Pasture fed steak from Cape Grim served with peppercorn sauce with a cognac base, then garnished with a watercress salad for a refreshing finish.

The cuts of our steak selection have been hand-picked by our chefs, and may we say the collection is an absolute beauty. Available for lunch at dinner dining, the Sirloin Pepper Steak might just be your perfect match.

To reserve your own private dining experience at the QT Lounge, call us on +61 2 6267 1262.

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