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Men’s Winter Style

Jun 9, 2016  ·  6 min read

By Niall Roeder.

Big shout out to all the guys out there that don’t have any idea about fashion – this post is for you. I suppose it’s for the partners out there looking for presents for their significant other as well. And as a matter of fact, I’m guessing that the fellas frothing on fashion are probably keen to read winter style tips from the well-educated minds of Bondi’s ANNEX and The Academy Brand. We caught up with Tony Burdon (ANNEX) and Anthony Pitt (The Academy Brand) for their thoughts on what the lads should be sporting over the next few months…

What styles are going to be bang-on for the guys this winter?

Tony Burdon: It’s all about the classic shapes re-invented with your own twist. We’ve gone for two leather biker styles this year. You can’t beat a tapered or cropped pant matched with a leather jacket. Bomber jackets have been a trend for a few years now and look to be sticking around. We have two options, one with a lighter weight cotton and another premium heavier wool bomber. You also can’t go wrong with a longer parka style jacket for the rainy days.

Anthony Pitt: With winter taking so long to kick in it’s hard to say! But when it does get cold there are definitely some key pieces that guys need. Classic chunky knits, vintage washed military style parkas and of course our trademark winter check flannel shirts. All these items never date and most importantly, girls look even better in them!

Hate using this expression, but are there any must-have items we should be looking to snatch up?

TB: We’re all about using neutral tones but gaining difference with textured fabrications. Get on our mix fabric knitwear this year and brighten up the mood with a pair of our off white cement denim. Finish it with one of the leather biker jackets and you’re good to go.

AP: We always say there are must have items, but more from a classic and timeless point of view rather than something that’s completely different. Each season we try to offer guys the core styles they need to build their wardrobe. It’s all about versatility and longevity. Clean lines and classic styling means guys will get more than one season out of something and they can create various looks wearing the same piece.

A photo posted by ANNEX (@annexbondi) on

So, to put it bluntly, you’re saying these things will help us pick up?

TB: Absolutely. The transformations we’ve made in the past have been incredible. Tinder numbers at an all time high for the brand’s customer base. Changing lives piece by piece…

AP: Guys that try too hard to impress are the ones that often fail… so yes, if you follow the above advice and keep it classic, understated and fresh, you’ll go a long way!  

Are black leather jackets ever really out of fashion?

TB: The black leather jacket is staple of every man’s wardrobe. However throughout the years different styles make their comeback. This year we’ve focussed on the classic biker shape with some added zip and pocket details. Alongside that we’ve added a racing biker collar style with quilted shoulders. They are absolute no brainers and sure-fire hits with the ladies.

AP: In my opinion, yes. But it does depend on the style of the jacket and also how it’s worn. My advice is always go for a cleaner and more paired back leather jacket without too many trims and zippers. Let the quality of the fabric do the talking.

A photo posted by ANNEX (@annexbondi) on

Is Aussie fashion at a good place at the moment?

TB: Aussie fashion has really developed over the years. The realisation is that throwing on a singlet and boardies simply won’t do. Appreciation of softer and more lightweight fabrications has got the States and Europe yearning for a bit of love from Australian brands. Support the local brands. They’re the ones that truly understand what the Australian man wants.

AP: Absolutely. I often hear people complaining about the Australian market being too small and too far away. But I completely disagree. Australia is a fantastic market and the world is smaller than it’s even been. If you are doing a good job Australia is easily a big enough market to have a very successful business. There are plenty of examples of this, and we are one of them. The fact so many international retailers have arrived on our shores is a testament to this. There are challenges in this industry no matter where you are in the world. But people need to remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Who’s bringing the fire?

TB: It’s all about the blog I Flood Empty Lakes – these guys very rarely get it wrong.

AP: Besides The Academy Brand, I can’t go past one of my style icons who stays true to the mantra of less is more – Ryan Gosling. Never over-dressed, always understated, and always confident. And for the gals, surely it’s got to be my wife Lara! Always looking stylish.

You’ve had a big night, haven’t yet been home and now you’re out to brekkie… do you hunch over and speak in hushed tones or stand up tall and wear last night’s uniform with pride?

TB: All depends on how much action you received the night before…

AP: Wearing last night’s uniform has never been my thing, but of course given the option, walk with pride. If you’re in the situation you may as well own it!

Hero & social image: ANNEX

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