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Kylie Jenner vs Brit Day

Apr 27, 2016  ·  2 min read

By Amy Wisemantel.

Caitlyn, Kanye, Kim – annoyingly to some and joyfully to others, these names frequent conversation worldwide on a daily basis. There are more members to this why-are-these-people-famous family, one of which is Kylie Jenner, who is one half of the following fashion puzzle. The other half is local fashionista, Brit Day. Over the last week or so Day has found herself immersed in a social media storm. The outfit the Kiwi born Sydneysider wore to a festival weeks ago was sported (almost identically) by Jenner at Coachella, and since then this up and coming designer has been inundated with attention. GO ON BRITTERS!

We pulled her aside for a quick chat…

Brit Day 

Good morning Brit! How long have you lived in Sydney?

Hi! I’ve been living in Sydney for a year and a half.

How long before the festival did you choose your unique outfit?

I bought the Discount Universe outfit last year as a birthday present to myself. I wore it to a music festival in NSW, Australia called Rabbits Eat Lettuce.

How did you find out that Kylizzle had worn your look to Coachella?

I woke up to my cousin’s post on facebook of us side by side wearing the exact same thing, hairstyle included. I was flattered, I couldn’t believe it. I was stoked my girl crush supposedly has a crush on me too!

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