27 years on and Flickerfest is still going strong. The annual short film festival at Bondi Beach is bigger and better than ever.
And the premiere screening is TONIGHT!
If you are a total film buff or just like to get involved with the coolest haps in town, make sure to check out the programme and book your spot.
Flickerfest is running until 21 January at Bondi Pavilion, surrounding small Bondi venues and even outdoors, with a whole bunch of surrounding fun to be had.
Don’t be fooled, it’s not just some local short film shindig, it’s one of Australia’s leading short film festivals and is recognised extensively overseas.
There are multiple competitive advantages for the talented folks that round out the uber eclectic and enticing programme. It’s not for the faint of heart if you want to get involved in the production side of things.
They’ve got both international and Australian contenders, and categories including comedy, LGBTQ and the FlickerUp slot for school aged entrants under 18. It’s hard to disappoint – you are sure to find something that takes your fancy.
With loads of prizes, including cash, industry ops and just plain cred – it’s rewarding for both the filmmakers and audience alike.
You can buy a season pass, multiple session pass or just hit up the odd one or two films. The festival is your oyster.
Festival Director Bronwyn Kidd says she is still in awe of the high calibre of submissions each year, with everything from first-time films to films starring well-known Hollywood actors being showcased.
All the buzz is around Martha the Monster, starring our beloved Aussie Rose Byrne and her hubby Bobby Cannavale.
Also, look out for screenings of the divine Idris Elba’s Five By Five.
Across the Land is also showing and produced by the ever intriguing Joaquin Phoenix so it’s sure to be quirky to the point of mesmerising.
It’s not about the big names though; there are many shining lights and sparkling diamonds peppering the whole programme. Read the synopses, watch any trailer you can find and then we wish you luck narrowing it down to what to buy tickets for. You might end up with a whole basketful of gems because it’s too hard to decide.
Following the stint at Bondi Beach, Flickerfest then tours to more than 50 venues across Australia until May. Make sure to catch it in your town if you are not based in Sydney! Communities need to support our talented artists wherever and whenever we can, and we can guarantee you won’t regret it!
Buy tickets here.
words by emily carstairs