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QT Sydney unveils the secret behind the world’s most stylish staff

Posted on: 08 July 2014

Media Release                                                                                              


Onsite hair and makeup stylists deck out staff in signature style


QT Sydney, the most fashion forward hotel in Australia’s largest city, has revealed the secret to its flawlessly coiffed and styled staff. The style conscious establishment employs resident behind the scenes hair and makeup stylists, who attend to each and every front of house employee before all morning and afternoon shifts.


Renowned Australian costume designer, Janet Hine, has designed unique ‘costumes’ and hair pieces specifically for the different outlets and department. the QT Sydney team are cohesively attired to mirror the design forward feeling of the hotel in signature looks.


Claudia Saurine, a 20-year makeup artist veteran, and Emma Young, who trained at the Australian College of Make-up Activity and Special Effects, are on hand daily to work with all QT staff; from the red wigged ‘Directors of Chaos’ who greet guests at the hotel’s front doors (The red wigs are real hair and are washed and re-died by hand frequently), to the reception, Gowings Bar & Grill and Gilt Lounge staff.


Using make up by Issada, the Australian boutique brand of mineral makeup, Claudia and Emma create different looks for staff depending on where they work in the hotel. The girls ensure that each look incorporates the signature ‘QT style’, which is marked by dramatic make up and stylised hair-dos, along with charm and personality to spare.


Claudia and Emma also work daily with QT Sydney’s ‘Directors of Chaos’, to ensure that their signature red wigs, which are made from real hair and need to be re-dyed frequently, are properly fitted and styled, and their makeup suitably theatrical.

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