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Summer’s End Yoga Festival 2016

Feb 10, 2016  ·  2 min read

By Jemma Mrdak.

We are slowly creeping towards the end of summer (I know, let’s not go there). For fellow yogi’s you’ll know that practicing yoga in summer when it’s sweltering hot outside isn’t the best idea. And just THINKING about doing a sweaty hound pose, aka downward dog makes you perspire. So, when the cooler weather arrives there’s more of a willingness to get your tights on and head into a yoga studio to warm up.

Now in its second year, the Canberra Summer’s End Yoga Festival is an event that provides Canberra yogis with an opportunity to come together and share in their passion. This year, the festival will be held along the banks of the Murrumbidgee River – a perfect spot considering the crisp, autumn change that will be in the air.

With its close proximity to nature, “this festival promises to be unlike any other” – Jen Brown, Festival Organiser. Now, of course she’s going to say that… but if you know the Murrumbidgee River, you’ll know Jen’s right.

With over 40 different one-hour sessions and two-hour workshops to choose from, in addition to the wide range of lectures and practical classes on yoga; this event promises to cover topics such as Ayurveda, philosophy, meditation, nutrition, mental & physical health, martial arts and more.

Attendees are invited to open their mind to new experiences and ideas, as well as to discover new techniques on how to use yoga and other therapies to benefit your life.

The Summer’s End Yoga Festival will take place over two days and there are opportunities to attend just for the day, or to spend the entire weekend stretching it out and becoming at one with your mind, body and soul. We recommend you opt to make a weekend of it… Immerse yourself in the yogi experience.

Canberra Summer’s End Yoga Festival runs March 5-6, 2016

A photo posted by Jasmine Gregory (@jazgregs) on

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